Sunday, February 10, 2013

Finishing the Bridge Over Maple Creek

Been a while since posting, but still working towards our goal of making it out to our land.

I presented all plans to our bank and have gotten approval to proceed. I'll post floor plan views and perspectives in another post soon. For now, we are working to finish to the road and bridge across Maple Creek. I want to get as much done as possible in this area with leaves off and get the brush cleared from the power line clearing.

I have to get sides put on the bridge to retain the top fill gravel, but we have to build it to last (hopefully) forever. We have formed side walls to retain a monolithic rebar-reinforced concrete pour as a foundation for side walls of dry stack lightweight concrete block sides -- I will rebar reinforce the block and put grout inside the cavities.

Plywood forms to retain concrete footings

Rebar placed horizontally and vertical rebar to into blocks above. 4-inch PVC chase pipe integrated for utility runs through the bridge -- like gas line, maybe water line, electric lines at later dates.

The top surface will be filled with 1" gravel for driving surface.

Rebar drilled and set into concrete pipe below with horizontal counter-footing to limit side-ward heave. This whole void will be filled with concrete when poured to tie all together.