Yesterday was an outstanding weather day. Temps were in the 50s in the morning and the 60s in the afternoon and no clouds and little wind.
I met with TG who works for himself doing earthwork and excavation about placing the concrete pipes to bridge the creek and help to clear woods and create the basic road bed to get to the building area in the center of the land. He seemed clear on a plan and I await his ideas on costs.
I spent the remainder of time clearing brush and small woods with the Husqvarna trimmer fitted with the Grass Gator blade attachment. Thank goodness I bought a set of replacement blades, because they got abused. But -- o howdy -- does it work well. Combined with the Husqvarna chainsaw, I was able to do some amazing clearing by myself in just a few hours.
Cleared the area circled in pink along the western border from creek to mature woods (at the North) |
My body is sore this morning, but I got a LOT accomplished.
I cleared the entire western border of the property of all thickets, bushes, and small trees. I can now mow the area with a push mower without difficulty along this path. Thank goodness for my Carhardt double duck pants...the stickers were plentiful.
BEFORE clearing -- looking North |
AFTER clearing -- similar view |
Finished path -- looking North |
Finished path -- looking South |